ZOLTAN J. ACS is the Doris and McCurdy Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Baltimore. His research interests include the role of entrepreneurship in innovation, economic development and social and historical development. He is the author of twenty books including Entrepreneurship, Geography and American Economic Growth, Cambridge University Press 2005, and Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy in American Capitalism, Small Business Economics. He is the recipient of the Swedish award for Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship in 2000, and the editor of Small Business Economics.
PETER J. BOETTKE is Professor of Economics at George Mason University, where he is also the Director of Graduate Studies and a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center. Boettke is the editor of the Review of Austrian Economics. He is also the author of numerous articles in the professional journals and has authored several books, including The Political Economy of Soviet Socialism, Why Perestroika Failed, and Calculation and Coordination.
EMILY CHAMLEE-WRIGHT is Associate Professor of Economics at Beloit College. She is author of The Cultural Foundations of Economic Development (Routledge 1997) and coauthor of Culture and Enterprise: The Development, Representation, and Morality of Business (Routledge 2000) with Don Lavoie.
ROGER A. LOHMANN is Professor of Social Work and Benedum Distinguished Scholar at West Virginia University and the Editor of Nonprofit Management and Leadership. He is the author of numerous journal articles, and author of three books: Breaking Even: Financial Management in Human Services; The Commons: New Perspectives on Nonprofit Organization, Voluntary Action and Philanthropy; Social Administration (co-authored with Nancy Lohmann) and co-editor (also with Nancy Lohmann) of Rural Social Work Practice. He is the founder and operator of ARNOVA-L, CGAP-L, and 20 other electronic discussion lists. He is currently involved in creating a research and training center focused on sustained dialogue, public deliberation and other approaches to public talk.
DAVID L. PRYCHITKO is a professor of economics at Northern Michigan University and faculty affiliate in the Program on Markets and Institutions of the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy. Formerly a visiting fellow in the Program on Participation and Labor-Managed Systems at Cornell University, and Fulbright fellow at the University of Zagreb, he was most recently awarded the Green Honors Chair in Economics at Texas Christian University for 2003-2004. Prychitko has published widely in economics, and is the co-author (with Paul Heyne and Peter Boettke) of The Economic Way of Thinking, an introductory textbook published by Prentice Hall.
RICHARD STROUP is professor of economics and interim department head at Montana State University and a senior associate of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). During the Reagan administration, Stroup served as the director of the Office of Policy Analysis at the Department of Interior. He is a widely published author and speaker on economics, including natural resources and environmental issues. His books include the recent primer on economics, Eco-Nomics: What Everyone Should Know About Economics and the Environment, and a leading economics principles textbook, co-authored with James D. Gwartney, Economics: Private and Public Choice, now in its tenth edition.
GUS DIZEREGA is the author of Persuasion, Power and Polity: A Theory of Democratic Self- Organization (2000). He is a leading theorist of evolutionary liberalism, a liberal ethic regrounded in awareness of our relationship with the earth, with all life, and with Spirit and growing in appreciation of how self-organizing systems actually work. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California at Berkeley and currently teaches in the Department of Government at St. Lawrence University.
STEVEN D. EALY is a Senior Fellow at Liberty Fund, Inc., an Indianapolis-based educational foundation. He previously taught at Western Carolina University and Armstrong Atlantic State University. He has published on Jurgen Habermas, bureaucratic ethics, the Federalist Papers, and Robert Penn Warren.
GORDON LLOYD earned his bachelor’s degree in economics and political science at McGill University. He completed all coursework toward a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago before receiving his master’s and Ph.D. degrees in government at Claremont Graduate School. The co-author of three books on the American founding and author of two forthcoming publications on political economy, he also has numerous articles and book reviews to his credit. His areas of research span the California constitution, common law, the New Deal, slavery and the Supreme Court, and the relationship between politics and economics.
EUGENE MILLER is Professor Emeritus of Political Science in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia. He has written extensively on the history of political philosophy and American political thought. He approaches issues of philanthrophy in light of his broader interests in moral philosophy, political epistemology, and technology and politics. He is editor of the Liberty Fund edition of David Hume's Essays Moral, Political, and Literary.