Conversations On Philanthropy
Emerging Questions on Liberality and Social Thought

Ilaria Anna Colussi

ILARIA ANNA COLUSSI is a PhD Candidate in Public Law at the Doctoral School
of Comparative and European Legal Studies, University of Trento (Italy). She also
collaborates with the European Centre for Law, Science and New Technologies
(Pavia) and is a member of the project “Biolaw” within the Department of Legal
Science of the University of Trento. Her main research interests concern the legal
aspects of synthetic biology, the relationship between genetics and the law, with a
specific attention to biobanks and forensic DNA databanks. She has published
several articles in Italian Law journals and chapters within books (such as
“Biotech Innovations and Fundamental Rights,” published by Springer, 2012).
Moreover, she has participated, as a speaker, at conferences and seminars all over
the world. She has recently carried out research periods at the Oxford Uehiro
Centre for Practical Ethics (Oxford, UK) and at the Inter-University Chair in Law
and the Human Genome, University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). (REV. 2013)


Conversations Volume Year Contribution Title
Volume IX2012ArticlePhilanthropy and Research Biobanks: The Model of Biotrust

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