Conversations On Philanthropy
Emerging Questions on Liberality and Social Thought

Hans L. Eicholz

HANS L. EICHOLZ received his doctoral degree in American history from UCLA, where he studied with the noted historian, Professor Joyce Appleby. He is currently a Senior Fellow with Liberty Fund, Inc., an educational foundation that is based in Indianapolis, Indiana and conducts programs to explore the importance of individual liberty and personal responsibility throughout the U.S. and abroad. He has written on a range of subjects including banking history, civil society, Jefferson’s foreign policy, federalism, the meaning of equality in the early republic, and education. Most recently, he has written on the relationship of the judiciary to primary and secondary education, and contributed an essay on the nature of the Madisonian dilemma of the Arizona state constitution in a two volume collection, The Constitutionalism of American States, published by the University of Missouri Press that examines all fifty state constitutions. He is also the author of Harmonizing Sentiments: The Declaration of Independence and the Jeffersonian Idea of Self-Government. (REV. 2008)


Conversations Volume Year Contribution Title
Volume V2008ArticlePursuing the Happy Society: Faculty versus Positive Psychology

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